Treatment of urological cancer
Robotic surgery
My name is Eliney Faria, I’m a urologist specializing in robotic surgery, laparoscopy and uro-oncology.
I help patients in their fight against urological tumors. And I do this through robotic surgery. I see patients from all over Brazil and Latin America and I can see you.
Step 1: Schedule your telemedicine appointment online
Schedule your telemedicine appointment with Dr. Eliney. Take advantage of the remote service in comfort and safety. Choose the best time and connect!
Step 2: Concierge service
We offer complete assistance for your trip: we help you buy flights, recommend hotels and arrange ground transportation. Our bilingual secretary is ready to help!
How robotic surgery can help you
Robotic surgery is a modern technique that helps to achieve better results with fewer risks when operating on tumors.
Less blood loss, less risk of infection, shorter recovery time and less pain overall – these are some of the advantages of robotic surgery.
Shorter hospitalization time
Because it is a less invasive process, robotic surgery requires less hospitalization and recovery time.
Better overall clinical results
With the precision of the machine and the skill of the surgeon, the treatment results are more effective.
Reduced pain during recovery
The trauma to the body from robotic surgery is much less than from traditional surgery. This reduces pain during recovery
Lower risk of infection.
Robotic surgery incisions are minimal. This exposes the patient to fewer risks, including infections and other ailments.
Conventional open surgical incision
Standard Da Vinci robot surgery incision
Hospitals where you can have robotic surgery
Today I perform procedures in the best and largest hospitals in Belo Horizonte – MG and Brazil.
In these environments you will have all the care and security of a humane, safe and modern treatment.
If you’re in Belo Horizonte and the surrounding area, get in touch and see how I can help you. If you are from another region of Brazil, I can also attend to you quickly and conveniently, as I have had patients all over Brazil for over 20 years.
Choose your region below:
Doctor Eliney Faria
Experience and qualifications in Brazil and abroad
A decade and a half of work at the Barretos Cancer Hospital, dealing with cases so complex you can’t even imagine.
All my training has been developed to treat urological tumors, solve simple or challenging cases, and still do it with dedication, a lot of study and care.
20 years of experience
More than 20,000 patients treated
70+ scientific articles published
More than 7,000 patients operated on
EMPÓRIO DA INDIA EMPORIO DA INDIA2023-02-08 Meu nome é João Fernando Rodrigues fui operado pelo grande ser humano e enorme profissional Dr Eliney, só tenho a dizer GRATIDÃO, GRATIDÃO MIL VEZES. Sebastião Ferreira Guedes Guedes2023-02-04 Confesso que fiquei impressionado com o profissionalismo e dedicação do Dr Eliney e sua equipe, fui submetido a uma cirurgia de próstata,estava muito ansioso e preocupado, mas graças a Deus e a experiência do dr Eliney,tudo transcorreu muito bem e em três dias saí de alta do hospital. Hoje faz trinta dias e estou me sentindo muito bem,graças a Deus. Obrigado Dr Eliney e toda sua equipe pelo carinho e dedicação que tiveram comigo. Joze Eugenio dantas2022-12-22 Me deu toda a assistência ,muito profissional ,super responsável e atencioso com seus pacientes, super indico! Luiz Cláudio Horta2022-11-23 Fui diagnosticado com um tumor no meu rim em um exame de rotina. Entrei em pânico . Felizmente através de muitas recomendações fui atendido pelo Dr. Eliney . Um tumor enorme foi retirado com sucesso e ainda conseguiu preservar meu rim ! Não consigo ter palavras para agradecer o Sr. e sua equipe! Nunca conheci um médico tão atencioso, capaz e humano . Que Deus continue te abençoando doutor pois o Sr . está aqui realmente para salvar vidas ! Neyde Dias2022-09-09 Melhor urologista, competente , humano é uma pessoa muito honesta e sabe o dar uma atendimento humanizado! Parabéns meu amigo Eliney ! luciene Rodrigues de Almeida2022-08-26 Gostaria de saber faz cirugia da pedra dos rins .e como e a forma de pagamento seus Éder Giuliano2022-07-29 Ótimo profissional. Maria Faria2022-07-24 Médico competente dedicado sabe o que está fazendo muito humano e de uma experiência muito grande eu super indico Nadia Pereira Casemiro2022-07-22 Um profissional de competência, um grande ser humano. Állan Rafael2022-07-22 Dr Eliney, um médico que nos passa muita confiança, de grande competência, um ser humano magnífico. Nossa família agradece muito pela ajuda no tratamento de nosso pai. Muito obrigado.
How to get service
To find out more about how I can help you, use the WhatsApp buttons in the body of the site, or the icon floating on the right-hand side. If you’d like to speak to me by phone, use the red CallNow icon on the left-hand side of the site and my team will contact you by phone.
Doctor Eliney Faria
RQE 24666 CRM-SP 109613 CRM-MG 34925
- Specialist in Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgery
- Specialist in Uro-oncology (genito-urinary tumors)
- PhD in Uro-oncology from USP/São Paulo
- Post-doctorate in Robotic Surgery from MDAnderson Cancer Center – United States
- Director of Urology / IRCAD – Training Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery / Barretos Cancer Hospital
- Professor of Postgraduate Studies at the Barretos Cancer Hospital
- Lecturer at the Minas Gerais Medical Sciences Postgraduate Program
- Member of World Urology Societies: Brazilian (SBU), American (AUA), European (EAU), Latin American (CAU)
- Member of the Brazilian Society of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery – SOBRACIL
- Reviewer for several international journals
- More than 70 scientific articles published